Since 1896, Friendly House has sought to provide quality, accessible and affordable programs to Quad City families. Our mission provides we work with the entire family unit, providing support and programming for all aspects of life.
We are asking you to extend a helping hand to Friendly House through this year’s Birdies for Charity program.
When you designate your donation to Friendly House, we receive 100% of your contribution!
Additionally, the Birdies for Charity fund will match between 5 and 10% of your pledge or gift!
Pledges received by June 21 can enter into a contest to win a 2 year lease on a new car or other prizes!
As an added bonus, any new donations or increased donations from last year will be matched as
part of our 125 Challenge Drive in celebration of our 125th anniversary.
Funds will be matched up to $60,000!
You can now donate online! Friendly House's Birdies number is 79.
Click here to donate on the Birdies website.
Email Steve to have a Birdies for Charity brochure mailed to you!
Just remember that the donation deadline is Friday, July 9 2021. Please help today!
We are asking you to extend a helping hand to Friendly House through this year’s Birdies for Charity program.
When you designate your donation to Friendly House, we receive 100% of your contribution!
Additionally, the Birdies for Charity fund will match between 5 and 10% of your pledge or gift!
Pledges received by June 21 can enter into a contest to win a 2 year lease on a new car or other prizes!
As an added bonus, any new donations or increased donations from last year will be matched as
part of our 125 Challenge Drive in celebration of our 125th anniversary.
Funds will be matched up to $60,000!
You can now donate online! Friendly House's Birdies number is 79.
Click here to donate on the Birdies website.
Email Steve to have a Birdies for Charity brochure mailed to you!
Just remember that the donation deadline is Friday, July 9 2021. Please help today!